Clean Catch | Radio New Zealand profile


Sam Hughes is a Massey University Design student re-imagining a common clinical task. Sam has been working on a concept to improve the collection of mid-stream urine samples from infants between the ages of 6 – 24 months old. A urine sample is required when an urgent diagnosis is needed for a pre-potty-trained child. For any parent that has experienced this, the requirement to often use a catheter to get a clean sample, can be distressing for the child and parents.


You can listen to an interview with Sam here.


This is a great example of how collaboration between clinicians and designers can help us rethink how we do things. This opportunity has been facilitated by the relationship between Auckland DHB and Massey’s design school.


January 2020


The Starship team for their insights and time. And thanks to Sam and the Massey team for their design work to date! We’re currently planning how we might test the effectiveness of the prototype.